Historic Flatbush

In The Heart of Brooklyn

With Zack Rhodes

From a rural village to a flourishing, diverse neighborhood, Flatbush is both centrally located and was central to the borough’s culture. On this tour, we’ll see why this once pastoral area quickly became a real estate developer’s dream. This tour will follow the neighborhood’s history beginning with the first settlers and their role in the Revolutionary War and ending with the Parade Grounds. We’ll also visit some of the neighborhood’s most famous landmarks including Kings Theatre, the Albemarle-Kenmore Terraces, and the area’s first public school where many starlets and star athletes were educated.

Saturday, February 8
2:00 PM — 4:00 PM

Member: $20
Non-member: $30

The Flatbush Reformed Dutch Church Parsonage. Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Beyond My Ken.