2019 Summit for New York City
Fight for Light

A full schedule of sessions will be released in early September built around the following panel discussion themes:
Bright Ideas: Planning
How can light and air be integrated into zoning regulations, planning tools, and incentives to maximize the use of parks, plazas, and open spaces? We will look at ways in which New York City can prioritize light and facilitate sustainable development for years to come.
Bright Ideas: Design
What roles do architecture and design play in the vitality of the public realm? We will examine the form, materiality, and sustainability of the built environment in relation to light and shadow.
Bright Ideas: Health
What impact does light in the public realm have on our health? We will explore how physical, mental, and societal health is shaped by access to quality open space.
Bright Ideas: Ecology
How does our manipulation of sunlight through the built environment affect the ecology of our natural environment? We will consider how best to balance development goals with light-dependent conservation and resiliency priorities.
Select Past Summit Speakers
Hon. Cory Booker
Santiago Calatrava
Roz Chast
David Childs
Vinson Cunningham
Justin Davidson
Dan Doctoroff
Susannah C. Drake
Helena Rose Durst
Ingrid Gould Ellen
Norman Foster
Alicia Glen
Adam Gopnik
Michael Kimmelman
Hon. Corey Johnson
Fran Lebowitz
Gil Penalosa
Damon Rich
Judith Rodin
Janette Sadik-Khan
Hon. Charles E. Schumer
Richard Sennett
Fight for Light is a campaign jointly led by the Municipal Art Society of New York and New Yorkers for Parks that seeks stronger protections for the natural resources that are essential to an equitable city and the health and happiness of city dwellers.