Ashcan School in New York

With Sylvia Laudien-Meo

[Virtual tour] New York City during the early 20th century was changing drastically, with each immigrant wave bringing its own new energy and dynamics. While photographers like Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine were able to document life in the working class neighborhoods, painters rather focused on portraying the upper society. Robert Henri and his circle of so-called Ashcan School artists were the first painters to turn their attention to the downtown neighborhoods, life on the street and on rooftops, in bars and in the parks, with a keen eye, painterly immediacy, humor and compassion. This talk will focus on some of the original smaller circle, which came to NY from Philadelphia, including Robert Henri, William Glackens and John Sloan and how they captured NYC in their passionate paintings of that time.

For all tours, there are no refunds, cancellations, or exchanges unless we cancel a tour. Online registration closes one hour prior to the tour start time.

Registration is now closed.

Thursday, April 18
6:00 PM

Virtual Tour

Member: $15
Non-member: $25

McSorley's Bar 1912 by the artist John Sloan. Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Founders Society Purchase, General Membership Fund. Modifications: photo cropped.