Gowanus Soundwalk

Janes Walk

Led By Miranda Sielaff

Participants are invited for a self-guided walk of Gowanus and to share recordings of their experience on Instagram by tagging @gowanussoundwalk. The Gowanus Canal became an EPA Superfund site in 2010, and historically polluted areas are undergoing remediation and redevelopment while life is ongoing for current businesses, residents and wildlife. Listening to all sounds in the environment brings us into contact with changes as they occur.


Nearby subway stations include Carroll St (F/G), Smith/9th (F/G) and Union St (R). There are nearby Citibike stations, street parking and a parking ramp at 365 Bond St. The self-guided walk is wheelchair accessible.

Location Information

RSVP is required and capacity is limited. Meeting location, ending location, and directions will be provided via email before walk date.


On Demand
Less than one hour

Borough: Brooklyn
Theme: Advocacy, Art & Architecture, Environment, History & Culture
Language: English