Las mujeres inmigrantes que llegaron a finales del siglo XIX a Nueva York vivieron injusticias, hasta que dijeron “Basta” y comenzaron a movilizarse. Estas protestas, sumadas al movimiento sufragistas, generaron la primera ola del movimiento feminista en Nueva York, con eco en todas partes del mundo.
La segunda ola feminista en Nueva York, empezó con la muestra de diversas criticas y se empezaron a construir las miradas intersectoriales. Conoceremos algunos de los espacios donde surgen las voces más contestatarias en medio de un contexto pacifista contra la guerra de Vietnam.
Este es un paseo a pie con un recorrido desde el East Village al West Village. Mostraremos los espacios que tuvieron lugar la historia feminista y el esaso reconocimiento que hay de la ciudad a esa parte de la historia neoyorquina.
Immigrant women who arrived in New York at the end of the 19th century experienced injustice, until they said “Enough” and began to mobilize. These protests, coupled with the suffrage movement, spawned the first wave of the women’s movement in New York, with echoes around the world.
The second feminist wave in New York began with the display of various critics and intersectoral perspectives were built. We will know some of the spaces where the most rebellious voices arise in the midst of a pacifist context against the Vietnam War.
This is a walking tour that runs from the East Village to the West Village. We will show the spaces where feminist history took place and the city’s acknowledgment of that part of New York history.
Es un paseo a pie que tiene accesibilidad para personas que vayan en silla de ruedas / It is a walk that is accessible for people in wheelchairs.
Location Information
RSVP is required and capacity is limited. Meeting location, ending location, and directions will be provided via email before walk date.
Saturday, May 6, 20233:00 PM
Greater than 1 hour
Borough: Manhattan
Theme: History & Culture
Language: Spanish
English Translator Available: Yes