The historic Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School has served as a haven for political dissidents and cultivated prominent social justice activists for the past century. Join us for a walk around Greenwich Village as we explore the lives of the radical playwrights, lawyers, musicians, educators, artists, and activists who have called the school home. Among the sites we will visit: our city’s first integrated club where Billie Holiday debuted the anti-lynching anthem “Strange Fruit,” the Weather Underground townhouse that a bomb ripped apart, the prison where the FBI detained Angela Davis, the home of Pete Seeger and other artists targeted by the House Un-American Activities Committee, and more. Together we will reflect upon this community’s enduring legacy and impact on social movements of today.
The walk will be on Greenwich Village sidewalks. The entire distance we will cover, with several stops along the way, will be just over a mile.
Location Information
RSVP is required and capacity is limited. Meeting location, ending location, and directions will be provided via email before walk date.
Saturday, May 6, 20233:00 PM
Greater than 1 hour
Borough: Manhattan
Theme: Advocacy, Art & Architecture, History & Culture
Language: English