Letter of Support for the Landmark Designation of 411-417 Park Avenue
Sarah Carroll, Chair
Landmarks Preservation Commission
1 Centre Street
New York, NY 10007
Re: 411-417 Park Avenue Calendaring and Landmark Designation
Dear Chair Carroll,
MAS strongly encourages landmark designation for the residential apartment building at 411-417 Park Avenue. The 1917 building is significant to the streetscape and long-standing character of East Midtown.
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Designed by renowned architect Emery Roth, this building is the last example of residential apartments that once lined this section of Park Avenue. It stands among similarly historic buildings that are also undesignated, serving as a “glimpse into the past” of this neighborhood in early 20th Century New York.
Before the East Midtown Rezoning took effect, LPC had identified 411-417 Park Avenue as eligible for individual landmark status and State/National Register listing, demonstrating a recognized historic significance of this building. MAS urges the Commission to once again consider this historic property’s architectural value and its special position as one of the last of its kind in this rapidly changing area. We ask that 411-417 be designated an individual landmark so that it may be preserved and protected in perpetuity.
Yours truly,
Elizabeth Goldstein