Livable Neighborhoods Program Delivering Final Workshop of the Season Tomorrow
On Saturday, June 17th MAS and the South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SoBRO) will present the final workshop of the Spring 2017 Livable Neighborhoods Program (LNP) workshop season. With a special emphasis on creative placemaking and cultural planning, this year’s LNP participants have been learning how to plan and advocate for vibrant and inspiring public spaces in their communities.

Last weekend, South Bronx residents established the foundation of their community-based cultural planning process by answering the question “What is the Soul of Mott Haven/The Bronx?” via an Image Theater activity developed by Eva Lopez, Director of High School and Parent Engagement Programs at SoBRO.
Participants also learned about the government bodies, agencies and processes that influence land use decisions in the city from MAS’s Vice President of Policy and Programs and how creative placemaking can help address neighborhood issues and promote economic development from the Executive Director of the National Consortium for Creative Placemaking. Finally they heard from the Cultural Plan Coordinator at the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs about the City’s soon-to-be-released cultural plan, CreateNYC.
Anyone interested in learning more about creative asset mapping and SoBRO’s next steps towards cultural planning is encouraged to attend the workshop this Saturday. It will be at SoBRO’s office at 555 Bergen Avenue, 3rd Floor, Bronx, NY 10455. It is free and open to the public.