Democratizing Data for Community Planning
A presentation on TASC for Open Data Week

TASC comes at an opportune time. In addition to aligning with the City Council’s burgeoning comprehensive planning efforts, ongoing public land use review (ULURP) and CEQR reform, and a renewed focus on community-based planning, TASC provides a flexible and adaptable vehicle to address development in post COVID-19 New York. Specifically, TASC prioritizes public health factors and social justice issues as they relate to equitable future development, residential and business displacement, and housing affordability; areas that current CEQR methodologies do not adequately address.
Our session will be presented by MAS’s Director of Advocacy, Spencer Williams. The presentation will show how TASC can be used by communities to create and test out various development scenarios. It will also show how TASC would improve the reliability of CEQR in forecasting future development and creating a more accurate analytical framework for evaluating impacts of major land use decisions on city neighborhoods. TASC will also help inform reliable and transparent mitigation measures. Mr. Williams will also discuss the next steps for TASC as it transitions from a mapping tool to a more refined predictive model.
After the presentation, TASC team members Marcel Negret and Maulin Mehta of RPA and Spencer Williams and Caroline Thompson of MAS will be prepared to field questions.
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