Call for Nominations: 2022 Brendan Gill Prize

Deadline: February 7, 2022

January 3, 2022

What creative works have inspired you and made you feel more connected to New York City since 2020?

MAS invites the public to submit nominations for the 32nd annual Brendan Gill Prize.

The Gill Prize is given each year to the creator of a specific work; a book, essay, musical composition, play, painting, sculpture, film, or choreographic piece, that best captures the spirit and energy of New York City. The 2022 Gill Prize will be awarded to two honorees, covering works produced between 2020 and 2021. Honorees will be presented with their Prize during an in-person award ceremony to be hosted in September 2022. Special consideration will be given to works that have creatively responded to or were disrupted by the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Past honorees include Julia Wolfe for Fire in my mouth, Stephen Maing for Crime + Punishment, Rebecca Solnit and Joshua Jelly-Schapiro for Nonstop Metropolis: A New York City Atlas, Christo and Jeanne-Claude for The Gates in Central Park, and so many more. MAS has awarded the prize since 1987 to draw attention to the varieties of artistic experiences that enrich our contemporary life. It was established to honor renowned New Yorker theater and architecture critic Brendan Gill, who was a dedicated preservationist and long-time MAS Director.

The 2022 Gill Prize is endowed to permit a cash award. All eligible nominations must have been completed and produced between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2021, and must be based-in and pertaining to New York City. The prize is not awarded for a body of work or lifetime achievement.

Learn more about nominations and view past recipients  >

The deadline for submissions for the 2022 Brendan Gill Prize was February 7, 2022. For questions, please contact

  • 2020 Brendan Gill Prize winner: Julia Wolfe for "Fire in my mouth." Photo by Chris Lee.
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  • still from the movie Crime and Punishment, characters walk in a group
    2019 Brendan Gill Prize winner: Stephen Maing for "Crime + Punishment." Movie still courtesy of Stephen Maing.
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  • 2018 Brendan Gill Prize winner: Julia Wertz for "Tenements, Towers & Trash: An Unconventional Illustrated History of New York City." Image courtesy of Julia Wertz.
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  • 2017 Brendan Gill Prize winner: Matthew “Levee” Chavez for Subway Therapy. Photo by Wikimedia Commons, Allison Meier. Modifications: photo cropped.
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MAS thanks our 2022 Brendan Gill Prize Jury

John Haworth (Brendan Gill Prize Jury Chair), Senior Executive Emeritus, National Museum of the American Indian/NY, Smithsonian Institution
Randall Bourscheidt, Director, Archive of New York City Cultural Policy
Roz Chast, Cartoonist & Author, The New Yorker
Patricia Cruz, Artistic Director and CEO, Harlem Stage
Gail Gregg, Artist and Journalist
Cassim Shepard, Urbanist, Filmmaker, and Author
Laurie Beckelman, Not-for-Profit Consultant

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