2020 MASterworks in Conversation

Design for Tourism and Commerce

Please visit MAS’s YouTube channel to view recordings of all of our free virtual events.

This Archtober, MAS is celebrating design excellence in New York City with our MASterworks Awards! Our virtual program series will feature 2020 honorees paired in conversation, moderated by past winners.

On October 27, we will examine what great design means to tourism and commerce, especially in this moment. The conversation will include the following (scroll below):

Tuesday, October 27
5:00 PM — 6:00 PM

Virtual Event


  • exterior of the TWA Hotel at JFK Airport
    The TWA Hotel, winner of the 2020 Masterworks Award for Best Adaptive Reuse. Photo: Beyer Blinder Belle, photograph by David Mitchell.
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  • plaza area and shops inside Essex Market
    Essex Market / The Market Line, winner of the 2020 Masterworks Award for Best New Urban Amenity. Photo: SHoP Architects, photograph by QuallsBenson.
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  • The Standard Hotel, winner of the 2009 Masterworks Award for Best New Building. Photo: Ennead Architects. Modifications: photo cropped.
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Richard Olcott, FAIA, FAAR
MODERATOR; MAS Board of Directors, Chair of the MAS Preservation Committee, & Design Partner, Ennead Architects

Richard Olcott is a Design Partner at Ennead Architects, where over the last four decades he has developed an award-winning body of work for leading cultural, civic, and educational institutions. His work is grounded in the power of architecture as an interpretive medium, one that can communicate the complexities of contemporary society and create lasting cultural impact. He creates bespoke buildings that are rooted in context, expressive of their missions, and recognized for design excellence.

Dana Getman
Principal, SHoP Architects; MAS Planning Committee

Ms. Getman is a principal at SHoP with an expertise in projects at the intersection of complex city-building and community engagement. She led the master plan and key public programs for Essex Crossing, and design and construction for the East River Waterfront master plan. Her current work includes Fulbright University in Vietnam; the National Veterans Resource Center at Syracuse University; and 111 West 57th Street.

Richard W. Southwick, FAIA, LEED AP
Partner, Director of Historic Preservation, Beyer Blinder Belle

Mr. Southwick is inspired by the time-honored qualities of historic design, materials, and craftsmanship, and he has dedicated his career to finding new life for older structures. A specialist in preservation, Richard has guided the revitalization of many of New York’s most celebrated historic buildings and sites, as well as international sites of cultural significance. Much of his work involves civic and institutional projects that provide lasting and meaningful public benefit.

About the MASterworks Awards

Selected each year by our esteemed jury, the MASterworks Awards pay tribute to projects that make a significant contribution to New York City’s built environment. Awards are presented in the following categories:

Best New Building for outstanding architectural design
Best Urban Landscape for a new or revitalized open space that contributes to livability and resilience
Best Restoration for a project that expertly enhances the original qualities of a significant historic building or structure
Best Adaptive Reuse for a project that demonstrates exceptional creativity in adaptive reuse of an existing building or structure
Best New Urban Amenity for an addition to the built environment that contributes to a more livable city
Best New Infrastructure for distinctive design in public service projects

2020 MASterworks Jury

Sarah Carroll, Chair, NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
Susan Chin, FAIA, Hon. ASLA, Principal, Design Connects
Andrew B. Cogan, Chairman and CEO, Knoll Inc.
Richard Olcott, FAIA, MAS Board of Directors, Chair of the MAS Preservation Committee & Design Partner, Ennead Architects
Avinash Rajagopal, Editor-in-Chief, Metropolis

NOTE: This event is eligible for 1 CM credit for AICP members (event ID #9205316). For instructions on logging CM credits, please click here.


We’re here to help! Contact us at events@mas.org.


Funding Partners
  • logo for Ayon Studio
  • logo for Bone and Levine Architects
  • logo for Mary B. Dierickx Historic Preservation
  • logo for Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects
  • logo for PBDW Architects
  • logo for the company Reddymade
Organizational Partners
  • logo for the organization Archtober

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